
Is a Tutankhamun of the most famous pharaohs at all is not the large number of achievements made by or because of wars won, such as a lot of the Pharaohs, but his fame is due for other reasons are important from the historical Prominent among these reasons, the discovery of his tomb complete with all its treasures without any damage . Time these reasons also the mystery surrounding the circumstances of his death, where he died at an early age and this is not normal for the Pharaoh's young and especially after the existence of the effects of a fractured skull and femur, as well as marriage and the minister from his widow and install himself Pharaoh, and all of these reasons made of Tutankhamun from Pharaohs months on record.
Blog "the mummy of Tutankhamun," the story of this young Egyptian king Pharaonic .ncoth, and how he died. And it tells the secrets of mummification mummy. How was the embalming when the ancient Egyptians.